"Because real body life isn't built on accountability. It's built on love. We're to encourage each other in the journey without conforming people to the standard we think they need."
The above is a quote from the book I just finished reading.
We went to Manning Park this weekend and there is no internet up there. Unless you like fishing or hiking, there isn’t a lot for me to do, so I did some reading. Doug read this book awhile ago and has been asking me to read it. He put it on the netbook and so I sat outside reading the book on my netbook. We had a GREAT time visiting with my family and even though I suffered without the internet, it was still worth going. We enjoy just sitting and chatting with my parents. My sister and her family came up too, so that is always a great way to know them better too. My sister always brings some kind of craft along, so we got to do some crafty things. She made a Mickey Mouse bean head… very cute and it might land up being my Christmas present. There is a swimming pool there, so we got to do some swimming too. Doug caught a few fish and my dad fried that up and they ate fish fried in butter.
So back to the book. It’s a book about why so many people don’t like the “institution” of church. It makes total sense and if you are one that is trying to figure your way through what church looks like, you might want to pick this book up (or download off the authors website for free). It helps one look at what we are being taught and why so many people get burnt out in church.
I agree with the above statement and have tried to live that life as best as I can. I think we lack the ability to encourage but excel in the ability to criticise. Instead of telling someone what you think they are doing wrong, how about you tell them what they are doing right. I figure that God can tell them what they are doing wrong. Why should we be the ones that do stuff like that. We all have a journey in our walk of faith, and I think it looks different for every person. Maybe it’s why I have no issues with gay people being a Christian or that other “religions” could also be Christians. Who am I to judge the journey of ones walk in their faith. It’s all about loving each other and that is the main focus of what Jesus talked about when he walked this earth.
The book focus’s on ones journey with Jesus. Not the church, not the elders, not with being accountable to each other, but our accountability to Jesus and him alone. If we are following the path of what Jesus wants, don’t you think things will fall into place? Sure life throws us curve balls, but it’s our walk with Jesus that matters. How do we love others? Criticising in “love” is not love. Encouraging is love. Accepting each other is love. Not judging the actions of others is love.
I have no desire to conform others to my way of thinking anymore because it just isn’t worth it. People will figure it out in their own time and then someday they will come to me and we can go for coffee and discuss it. I will walk the journey with Jesus next to me. I will take comfort that he is encouraging me and helping me learn along the way. I will learn to encourage more whenever I can.
The book doesn’t say church is wrong, but it says many of what goes on in church is. I totally agree and obviously I am not the only one that has issues with the institute of church. It’s about community and loving each other where ever we are at. Sure a church can be healthy but usually it doesn’t stay that way. How many times have we been guilted into going to church? How is that godly? There is so many other examples that I can come up with that I have come across in our dealings with church, but what is the point in dwelling on it. It’s the past and I want no part of those things in my past. I want to work on my friendship with Jesus and I want to see how that looks in my future.
The sales of this book just shows that there are many out there that are having troubles with church and are searching. Your search will end when you seek that relationship with Jesus. Enjoying time with others talking about the love of Jesus and what he has done in our lives. It can look like a barbeque with neighbours, with family and friends. It can look like a quiet time with a friend at a coffee shop just talking. It can look like sitting at Manning Park enjoying the smell of the trees and the company of friends (also known as my parents). Those are all examples of the church that Jesus meant for us. It doesn’t have to be structured, have an outline or have a purpose other than being together, to encourage each other and to relate how wonderful Jesus has been to us. Sure a meeting is ok every so often, but why all the time… why can’t we be casual and just visit and have no agenda? That sounds like heaven to me ;)
It's not about teaching, it's about living. Learn to live this life and you'll find no end of folks to share it with. Teach it first, however, and that will be your substitute for living it
Another quote from the book (above in bold). I totally love this. I have lived this concept all my life… it’s about living it and not trying to teach it. So I will keep on living my life with Jesus walking side by side (or he carries me every so often) and I will learn from his love and give that love back to others. I need to keep my eyes on Jesus and what he has to teach me. Only through him will I manage and only through him can I be someone who can love others for who they are.
To end this blog, I want to say this book didn’t have much new that I learned, but it put words to my thoughts in my head. It makes a lot of sense and makes me feel secure in the fact that I am not a bad Christian. I am loved by Jesus and that is all that matters. If I am walking the walk with him, who care what others think.
preach it, sister!
You go girl!
Amen and again I say AMEN!