We met Kraeg and Anna in May 2009 when we moved into the condo at The Morgan. Kraeg was on the strata at the time and he was as frustrated as we werewith what was going on there. At least we had the option to move if we wanted, as we were only renters, but they were owners and didn't have much choice but to stay. With some encouraging of the strata, we decided to apply for the job as Resident Managers and I think within a few weeks, we got the job. If it wasn't for him and Anna, we would have quit that job a lot sooner than what we did.
It was really cool living that close to friends. When we would go over to their place, I was able to go in my slippers and not even have to put shoes on. They have an amazing looking place and everything is so neat and organized. Not that I think our place should look like that because I can't handle living in neat and organized. I don't mind organized, but I like the dorm room look. Pictures all over my walls, crazy things hanging in places (my Furbies in the bedroom) and of course my Mickey Mouse themed bedroom. Anyways... I digress... I love their place and how they (I mean Anna though) decorated. They had the same configuration of a condo as us, but they took out a wall and made their 3 bedroom condo into a 2 bedroom. They had a unit facing the opposite direction as us, so between the 4 of us, we had a good view of the goings-on in the condo area. It made for some late night meet ups outside in the courtyard LOL. There was never a dull moment living at The Morgan.
If you look at the 4 of us, you will notice that we are the polar opposites. They are tall, slender, beautiful people, and well... Doug and I are not 2 of those three LOL. Our homes are polar opposites too... we have the dorm look, and well... they don't. Even when getting to know them I kept thinking that we just were mismatched for friends. I kept waiting for them to stop doing stuff with us because Doug and I are a little off the wall. Another big difference is that Doug and I are Christians, and they aren't and in fact Kraeg is very skeptical about Christianity (don't blame him) and so sometimes that isn't a good mix. But we are all ok with each others beliefs and don't try to convince each other that they are wrong. Just thought of another difference... see... we have a lot... they love outdoorsy, exercisy stuff and well... we don't LOL
As time went on, we needed each other to vent about the stuff going on at the condo, and along with that we became good friends. Granted, I don't know how good of a friend we are since we still haven't heard the story of why Kraeg spells his name the way he does. Anyways... I digress again... back to the story... The Morgan... that place brought us together. We needed each other to vent about the crap going on and we also got to learn about each other. We found out that Kraeg and Anna like Scotch that is hard to find in the states and when we do find it, we can't buy it for them because we have no way to get it on the airplane. Rarely did we watch tv or movies together when we visited. It was always chatting and getting to know each other. We loved that and felt very safe at their place. They were not judgmental about our choices at all. They were the second people we told about our decision to move to Mexico (my parents where first of course). They were very supportive of it and were even excited for us. They were the first we emailed when we found out we had to come home without the job. Because they lived so close, they were the ones we got comfort from when we needed shoulder to cry on.
Again, other than my parents, they are the only ones that know the full story and heard all the cries of our hearts when it came to Mexico. They supported us in ways they can not imagine and we are forever grateful for that. Even though I figured in the beginning of our friendship that it wouldn't last because we were so different, it has turned out to be a great friendship. It hasn't been as close as it was before because we moved out of The Morgan, but they have been busy with opening up a new business too, and I know how much work that is, so hopefully when it gets more routine for them, we will get together more. Kraeg and Anna have been great friends and it has been great getting to know them in the last year (and a bit). I do hope it will be one of those long time friendships and even with our differences, that we will be forever friends.
I do want to mention one thing that we do have in common... we don't have kids (by choice). It isn't as if we don't like kids, but we just don't want them 24/7. It is always cool to meet others like us in that way. One of the things that I will always remember about them is the Christmas card they gave us (I still have it). They considered not giving it to us because they had done it up before they found out we

We are wishing them all the best in their new business venture and hopefully it will become so successful that they can retire and buy a place in Mexico and they will hire us to be the caretakers LOL. We do wish them all the best though in the business 4 cats
Here is to many breakfasts together and many late night visits again when things settle down for you guys. We love having you as friends and I hope our relationship keeps on growing.