Sometimes thinking isn’t my strong suit because it gets me in trouble LOL. We have had an interesting week. We started out last week with a potential job in Hope, BC and we were fairly excited to take it, but when we finally pinned the owner down to committing to his promises, he went back on them, so we turned the job down. What we did figure out from it all though, is I think we want to be managers/caretakers of a resort. We have gone back and forth about it, but the job offer truly confirmed that we really would like to do that. We will see if that pans out though. This brings me to my thought…
I have been asking God for an answer…should we be caretakers, or shouldn’t we? Do we keep trying, or do we stop? Do we look for other jobs in other towns, or do we just stay here? All these questions we ask God, and when we don’t hear a strong answer, we wonder where he is. So here I was driving home from work (with the convertible top down of course) and I thought it again…why aren’t we hearing a clear answer? I was feeling a little ignored…and then it hit me…let’s take God out of the picture. Yes, do it…not saying let’s not trust God, but let’s take him out. I am a regular person, living a regular life with no religion to cloud my judgements…what would we do? Who would we be whining too then? Who would we be asking for help from then? We would have to do things based on our own judgments and experiences. We wouldn’t have God to fall back on when things don’t work out, or if we don’t hear the answers we were hoping to hear, etc.
Now let’s put him back into the picture…let’s use God as he was meant to be. He gave us choices in life. When Adam and Eve sinned, we were all doomed to fall with that sin and when God sent Jesus, we were saved from that sin, but that is only after this life on earth. During the life on earth we have to be surrounded by this sin…our choices, other people’s choices and the evil that is the devil. We ask for guidance, and I think we do get it in some ways, but we do have to walk this road and make our own decisions and not just always take the easy way and fall on God to make all our decisions. I am not saying we don’t ask for guidance, but I also think we need to make our own choices too. We do what we think is best (in God’s eyes), but when it doesn’t work out, then we blame God. This way we can only blame ourselves LOL.
This thinking has made me feel a little better actually. It means I need to think about what I want, what God might want for me, and what our future might hold for us. It is all part of the big picture. I know God will be there no matter what, even if we make a bad choice because that is part of my faith. I think the main thing that God wants us to know, and why we were created, is for love. Not for having a scapegoat for when things go wrong, or when we can’t make up our own mind. God created us to commune with him…so let’s commune…and stop asking him so many questions…I don’t want a one way friendship with God/Jesus where all I ever do is ask for help and always want something from him…I want a two way friendship where we talk about stuff together, figure things out together and just love each other no matter what. Let’s take life out of the equation now and have it just be me and God sitting quietly (or with lots of loud music) talking about stuff. Nothing heavy, just stuff and enjoying each other’s company. Maybe that is what it is all about! I think it is best done on a sunny day, with the convertible top down and some great worship music playing. That is how God and me commune together. I will focus on that, and not all the stuff I want God to do for me.
I agree and all the answers will be clear.