Jesus and what he means to me...

Here I sit at work (one of my bookkeeping clients) and I am delaying the number crunching that I will be doing in a bit. I have 3 plastic bags of papers, so something tells me it will be a long file. No biggie, I enjoy rummaging through piles of papers and inputting numbers. It is what I love to do and thankfully I can do a job that I love to do. I wish I had a few more clients, but that will take time and someday I might not even have to leave the house to do this, but do it all at home. Here is hoping!!!

I have been a Christian all my life... from the moment I had thoughts in my head, I remember thinking about Jesus. I have always had a relationship with him which has been great. I have always known that I was protected and had someone by my side all the time. Never once have I ever doubted it. What an amazing feeling that is.

I believe that Jesus is the son of God... and to me that means he is a separate entity of sorts. Do I believe in the Trinity... who knows... I believe that God and Jesus are one, the same way Doug and I are one... so I guess it all depends on your interpretation of that term. Does that make me less of a Christian??? I sure hope not because honestly I have no reason to believe that it makes any difference to my relationship with God/Jesus. Do I care if someone firmly believes in the Trinity??? Nope... they can believe what they believe and I can believe in what I believe... we are all allowed to have our opinions of the interpretation of the bible.

Jesus was put on this earth to show people the way in a human form. How lucky are we to have someone like him to live by example. I try really hard to live by his example and of course, fail at times. He wasn't liked much though and loved to be a rebel. I love that he did things out of the norm... granted he knew he was right, so I guess he had that knowledge. I don't have that knowledge, so sometimes it is hard to walk in his footsteps and know if you are doing it right or not.

I wonder if Jesus felt alone a lot... I think he did. He did things out of the ordinary and that usually means being alone. Heck he even got kicked out of his own home town, so I guess that means something. I love that he said things as he saw it... he had the confidence to do that and not care about the consequences. Unfortunately, I am not like that and when I do try to be a little more like that, we are hated by people even more. So I tend to keep my mouth shut about things now because it just makes people feel better. I wonder what he thought about himself though? I guess he didn't regret anything he said to people, because he was without sin, and I think regret somewhat can stem from sin. I wish I could say things and know with 100% confidence that what I said was how I was supposed to say it. Usually it is about 95% though, but that extra 5% is what gets me thinking.

Jesus is my hero... he is who I look up to and who I want to follow. I know he is my best friend and he doesn't mind if I grumble to him a bit every so often. He puts up with me and loves me just how I am. Granted I try to be who he wants me to be... I don't want this to be a one sided friendship. I don't want him to be the one that does everything for me and I give nothing back. So I work very hard on giving back to him what he deserves. I want our friendship to be 2 way relationship... to be all it can be. I love my friendship with Jesus... I know it is forever and one day I will actually get to see him face to face. Then I can give him a great big hug and thank him for real! Then I won't be alone anymore... what a thought.

Doug and I struggle with the concept of friendship... we believe it is one thing and other's think it is another. I think others must struggle with this too. I think people fill their lives with church, kids and sports so that they can forget how lonely this world can be. We don't have any of those things in our lives and so we notice the emptiness. Honestly though, I would rather be alone then to have friends that never call. It would be like God/Jesus taking care of us ALL the time, but we never pray to him... maybe once a year or so just to make a small connection to make sure God/Jesus is still there. That is a sucky relationship and I want no part of that. The only way we can communicate with God/Jesus is by prayer... which doesn't have to look official, but just the occasional daily hello and how are you. My phone doesn't connect to Heaven so I have to use prayer. Us humans though have phones to talk to each other and we can use them every so often... heck we even have email, which is much easier than a phone LOL. We have used that phone thing a lot but it tends to be fairly once sided... we use the dial pad a lot, but our phone rarely rings... must be something wrong with it HA HA HA.

Again, I have said this before... I would love to move away from all this to start over again. Clean the slate with all new people and see if we can improve our relationship skills with new people who don't have preconceived ideas of us. But... if we are going to stay here, then we will have to figure it out with what we have. We are working on getting into new groups to see if we can find a new circle of friends. If it doesn't work, we are ok with that too. If nothing else, we have the most amazing car to drive in when we feel down. Heck it is still amazing even if we feel up HA HA HA.

Life is about learning and making our light Shine for Jesus. If we have no other purpose than that, I am ok with that. So I need to work on making my light shine. How does this look? We will see. We are open to the possibilities and I think we try very hard to be open to what God/Jesus wants us to be.

"we were meant to shine, not just survive" ... that is our new life motto.
1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    I think Jesus *did* feel alone. Before the crucifixion when he went to the garden to pray, all his disciples fell asleep. Not a single one of them could pray for or with him when he was in one of his darkest hours. I can't imagine how lonely that time must have been. His entire time with the disciples, they never seemed to fully grasp what he said to them about who he was or his ministry.

    I understand your frustration with friendship too. I've had a very hard time settling since we moved because I find that it has been especially hard to make personal connections with people here. It *is* quite lonely, and I wonder if it really is something about this area sometimes... Everyone seems so busy... *sigh*