Figured I would do a fun blog post about me. Maybe y’all want to know a little more about who I am.
I was born in 1970 on May 29. I am the oldest child in our family. I have 2 younger sisters and 2 foster siblings (1 foster brother and 1 foster sister). I grew up in Agassiz on a mountain with no neighbours. We had a beautiful A-frame house that every one loved.
We had a great view of the river and the Fraser Valley. If someone was camping on one of the islands on the river, we could even talk with them. We had some good conversations with strangers HA HA HA. We lived on the mountain side, which made for great hiking and some great caves. It was too bad that I preferred to be inside watching TV or reading a book.
Living on a mountain is a lot of work (just ask my parents) and I was very happy to move into civilization when I was 16. I also was able to go to a different school that was a lot nicer than the one I had grown up in. I met Doug when I was 16, got engaged at 17 and was married at 18 on July 2nd, 1988. Marriage at that young of an age brings a lot of unique issues, but we managed and we have been married 22 years now.
So who am I? I love reading, always have. When I finally learned to read English (yes, I am an ESL… German is my first language) I could not be dragged out of the library. I think I read every book that I could get my hands on. Then when my parents were offered a TV, I fell in love with that beautiful entertainment box. I watched Brady Bunch, Gilligan's Island, MASH, Wonderful World of Disney, FAME and a number of other shows growing up. I am very shy, but am learning to come out of my shell a little more as I get older. I think that comes from not knowing English when going to Kindergarten and also being bullied most of my school life.
My favourite colour is Blue and I have no favourite number. I LOVE to travel and I think I have had that desire for as long as I can remember. I am not into camping though, but I will survive it if I have to. I need flush toilets for any traveling that I do. I prefer no bugs and I am not adventurous with food. I only eat Beef, Pork and Chicken (some Turkey) as a meat and will try various fish’s, but not that much into seafood. I hate banana’s and not really that much into Chocolate. I also don’t like blackberries but that is because we had to pick them as a kid and I got sick of them. I am also a fan of white bread… I believe the slogan that WonderBread has… “part of a complete childhood”… it’s why I think my childhood was not complete… no Wonder Bread, only icky Rye bread for my lunches… ewwww, ewwwww, ewwwwww!!! Since becoming type 2 Diabetic, I am very grateful for Cob’s bread and their high fibre white bread… they are my heros LOL. I love computers and most technology. I have been using the internet since about 1995 and been using a computer for at least 10 years before that. I also love Disney and if you see my house, you will figure that out pretty quickly.
I am an Introverted person and have been all my life. I don’t handle large crowds well in small spaces. I do love people though and love being surrounded by them. I think that comes from growing up on a mountain with no neighbours. I think that is why I LOVE living in the city now. I love throwing parties, but get very tired at the end of it. I am a great Mennonite who likes to cook and have people over for food. Yes, I am of Mennonite heritage and that is why every gathering that I attend needs to have food around it HA HA HA. Guess that is why I am not skinny. I love numbers, which is why I am a bookkeeper. I took Algebra in school just for the fun of it. I am not an artistry type person and don’t apologize for it either. I love music though, but only to listen to it. Granted I can play piano and if I put my mind to it, can probably be pretty good at it, but it doesn’t come natural and I have to work to hard at it to be good… yup, I am relaxed that way… if it takes too much work, I would prefer to not do it. Numbers come natural, so that is why I picked a profession that comes easy to me.
I don’t dream big, but I try to dream with attainable dreams. I don’t like to be let down, so I think that is why I do it that way. Less disappointment then. I am not competitive and in fact feel bad sometimes when I do win at things. That means someone else loses and that makes me sad. I don’t mind playing games, but not ones that are overly competitive. I just enjoy playing the game, win or lose. So of course that means I don’t really like sports.
I love to sit and just chat with people. I am very relaxed and am very open with who I am (if asked). I have some different outlooks on life, so unless someone asks, I don’t always give out my opinions too freely. I think I am a good listener and I enjoy hearing about peoples lives. I think that is why I love being a Travel Agent, I enjoy helping people with their vacations and hearing about them. I think I could be a great best friend to someone (other than Doug and my parents). I am very loyal and will do just about anything for a friend. We have traveled far to help out friends in need. I have gotten a little cynical about people though as we have been let down by friends, but I am working on that and trying to be more positive again. I tend to see the good in just about everything and have a fairly positive outlook on life. If you have ever watched the Disney show Pollyanna, then you know my personality… I am a Pollyanna type.
I have been a Christ follower since about 4ish… not totally sure of the age, but I figure that as far back as I can remember, I have always known Jesus and known his love for me. I have never backslided on my faith. I have always trusted God/Jesus with my life and known that he has been there through everything. A big part of my faith has come from my parents… they have been a great example in that area. They are my best friends and we love to travel with them.
One of my biggest dreams that I had was to go to New York, and we went there about 5 years ago for the first time. IT was everything that I imagined and more. We went again a few years ago and hope to go again and again. Another dream was to own a convertible and a few months ago we bought a Ford Mustang Convertible. There are still things on my “bucket” list and I am sure they will happen… we have a lot of living to do yet. I want to see Europe, move to California, visit many cities in the States (too many to list), and much much more when it comes to traveling. That is mostly what I want to do in life, lots of traveling.
OH… and I love to babble… always have. Can’t you tell???