We would have moved to Mexico 6 months ago and I guess we are feeling the loss a lot these days. Not too sure why, but we both feel down. I think we are feeling like that we are just going through the motions of life right now and not doing anything different. That's not a bad thing, but it's just not what we were expecting to be doing at this point. We are both on the verge of tears all the time... which totally bites and is kinda annoying. We have it good and we shouldn't be complaining, and honestly, we aren't complaining, just feeling down.
We are also missi

We have it good, and anyone who looks at our life from the outside would say so. We live on the beach, we have our dream car, we both have good jobs and we have a vacation planned in under 50 days. Who wouldn't want to live our life... we sure are enjoying it. But it's that feeling that sits in our soul... that feeling of utter sadness of what we could have been doing. As Doug said this morning... we have too many holes in our heart right now. Gotta figure out how to patch those holes up... anyone got some polly filler? HA HA HA!!!
I know that with time it will get easier and only God can truly help us fill those holes, even if it means healing them but not giving us something else to replace what we lost. We have to focus on all that is good in our lives, and for the most part we do. Not sure where we would be if we didn't have faith in God... in our belief that we are safe in his hands. Even in our sadness, he loves us and cry's with us when we cry. He never promised sunshine and roses every day, but promised his love and devotion to us. Life throws us curve balls and we have to live with that. It's how we manage with those curve balls that is important and if you focus on what is good and not what is bad, then we should manage ok. Only God can help us focus properly and settle our soul.
So things are ok in our lives. We applied for a caretaking job in our building, but probably won't get it. They are wanting to pay someone $500/month for being on call 24/7... hmmm... that seems a little ridiculous, but I guess if they can find someone to do that, more power to them. Can't imagine things will be run to well in our building then, but heck, we are only renters, so what do we care ;) We leave on a vacation on September 14th... spending a few days in DisneyWorld, then a 7 night Caribbean cruise and then 4 nights in Florida checking out the sites. Should be fun to get away and see part of this amazing world.
We are meeting up with a bunch of people on the cruise that we met online... sure wish some of them lived closer because I think we would be good friends with a few of them. Why do the friends who like us not live closer? All our "so called friends" who live close don't want to do anything with us, so too me that seems like a one way friendship. I guess to me it's important to visit and commune with friends, not just say we will visit and phone us, but never do. I guess I expect too much out of people, which is why we live our own little lives at the beach.
Doug and I will survive... we will get over this bit of sadness and be bright, shiny people again soon. We will keep having faith in God/Jesus (yes I put them as 2 not as 1) and believe that he will keep us safe. He will repair those holes and we will go where he sees fit to send us. If it's here in White Rock for a long long time, that is fine by me, but if he sends us to California, I am more than happy with that too ;) I think God wants us happy and sometimes it doesn't matter where we are because he will make things work where ever we are. I need to be happy with routine and the normal things in life right now because we aren't in Mexico, we are in White Rock... no sense in dwelling on things that aren't to be (tell that to my soul, it needs to be reminded). If nothing else, we will sit in our car, be hugged by our Mustang seats and drive around the world (with the convertible top down) until our hearts are repaired ;)
Yes, I babble... it's who I am LOL