Monday, we tendered at Icy Straight Point. We have never been to this port and from what my parents said, it has changed a lot since the last time they went. There is a Cannery museum and now there is lots of shops and the worlds longest zipline. For only $139 you can ride this zipline (and go broke if you ask me). It did look like fun though and if money was no object, I might consider it.
Doug had some allergy issues at the beginning of the cruise and that caused his immune system to shut down a bit, so he is currently in bed because he caught a cold. He has bought some meds so hopefully they help and he can sleep properly tonight. If he sleeps well, then I sleep well because I don’t do well if someone is snoring in my ear. So for he isn’t being too much of a man baby about it though…it is only a cold…beats getting the norwalk virus (which we have gotten on a cruise before).
We are having a great time so far. Our waiter is great. He has been doing this for 15 years and has a 9 year old daughter and a 15 month old son. He works for 6 months and then get’s 10 weeks off…not my idea of a great life, but you do what you need to do to provide for your family. We haven’t really seen much of our cabin steward, but he is doing a good job…our room get’s made up twice a day. Food has been great. Breakfast is usually started with waffles (they are tiny) and then once my parents show up, then I have eggs benny. Lunch is whatever we feel in the mood for…sandwhiches, pizza, salad, etc. We are enjoying dinner…usually takes about 1 1/2 hours to get through all of dinner, but that is the fun of the it. Doug has had frog legs and cavier already. I stick to the normal things though…I am not overly adventurous when it comes to meat products. I did have veal yesterday though…that was yummy. We also share the vegetarian dish and so far every night has been very tasty. My dad has been keeping an eye on what we all order because they cruise back and will have the same menu, so he wants to try different things.
I am missing Minnie. Our Minniesitter works nights and sleeps during the day and so I am gathering our fur baby is having some issues with that. Hopefully they figure out a schedule that works because usually Minnie is pretty good at adjusting. My guess is when we come home, we will be yelled at by her for at least 2 – 3 hours…hopefully we survive the tongue lashing LOL.
Juneau was fun…we originally were going to do the tram but decided against it…too many people squished into the tram for my liking. At $32/person, I think we can use our money somewhere else nicely. We went out, did a bit of shopping and found the wifi at the library. We did some facebooking, emailing and then wandered back slowly to the ship. My best buy of the day was at the Del Sol store (color changing clothing)…they had a Disney section, so of course I bought myself a color changing Disney shirt…best souvenir if you ask me. Once back on board, we had lunch and then headed to the pool for a dip. Boy the ship is empty…everyone is out in port. Soon we will be heading to the theatre to watch Saving Mr. Banks. We are also seeing a Cirque style show tonight…all and all, a great day.