We decided to cancel our Caribbean cruise for next January and book 6 nights at Disney World at our timeshare at Animal Kingdom. Then we will do a 3 night Bahamas cruise on the Disney Dream. Yup, exciting times are ahead. We also have our California trip to look forward to this September. We sure are enjoying our Disney timeshare.
Couple of thoughts in my head these days…
I sure find that I “grow” up as I get older. I know that I have never considered the “gay” relationship much of an issue, but I do know that I used to think of it as a sin. So my saying was that all sin is the same in God’s eyes… lying, gossiping, being gay… it was all the same and regardless of the sin, we are still accepted by God. So I have never discriminated against gay’s, but I did think it was a sin. That thinking process began to change about 10ish years ago when I met my friends Gail and Jill. They were a gay couple that we cruised with. We have never connected with 2 people like we connected with them. All 6 of us got along so well (my parents included) and we did so much talking about life with them. We are still friends with Gail and her new wife Sheri. It is amazing how one changes their point of view when you sit down and talk to people about their life. It was then that we started to look at being gay as just another lifestyle. I don’t see it as a sin anymore. If two people are committed to each other, then why do I have the right to say anything about it. I believe in marriage, or being committed to each other. I don’t think it matters if you are gay, or straight. I guess being a Christian means I should consider being gay a sin, but I am hoping that God/Jesus is ok if I don’t consider it that way. I will discuss that with them when I get to heaven and we can hash it out then. I think some of these odd views is probably why we don’t go to church anymore. I don’t like how people look down on gay’s. Granted I hate how people in church are so good at judging others so easily. We have no right to judge others… we are all sinners and personally, we should just keep our mouth shut, live our life as a Christian as we see fit and leave other’s live their life as a Christian how they see fit. God/Jesus knows how to talk to his people and if he sees ways that they need correcting, then he will deal with it.
Another thought in my head….
I have been listening to the Christian radio station and some of the songs kind of bug me. They talk about how God does things to us to make us closer to him. Now, that is a concept that I have a bit of trouble with. God sends his son Jesus to earth… he dies on the cross for us (our sins) so that we can be spotless in front of God… then ignores all this and causes us pain? Really? Who buys into this stuff? Honestly…the truth is that living on this earth is awful. It is filled with sin and there is no way around it. Jesus died for us and our sins… he made us clean in front of God, so why would God be causing us pain if we are spotless? Yes we sin, but we are also forgiven. Things happen to us because LIFE SUCKS!!! God/Jesus takes care of us so that we can manage through it. That is the promise. I will not think that God/Jesus does things to us so we can be closer to him. What a great relationship that would be… I wonder how that would work as a husband/wife, wife/wife, husband/husband relationship. Now, my relationship with Jesus might be a little unique… I feel that I have been a Christian all my life and my first thoughts that I can remember where about my faith in Jesus. So maybe I don’t understand that concept of needing negativity in ones life to become more positive. I am ok with not needing that though. I am fine with knowing that my Jesus died for me and that he takes care of me. It is living in a world of sin that makes the bad things happen. It is Jesus that gives me the peace to not kill myself over it. My relationship with Jesus is amazing… not because of the crap he has done to me, but because I know that he is the reason I am surviving this life and even enjoying parts of it (Mickey Mouse). I don’t need crap to know that Jesus takes care of me. Maybe we need to be reminded on why we were created (without sin). I strive to be that person that he created. God/Jesus created me so I can be with him in the garden… that garden disappeared when sin came into this world, but I don’t think the original reason disappeared with it. So my life is surrounded by his creation… by his love… and I will talk to him all the time, appreciate what he has done for me, ask for help when I need it, ask for forgiveness when I sin, thank him for everything he has done and just be what he wants me to be. We all have different purposes in life and I hope to fulfill his purpose. I go where he wants me to go and if God/Jesus sees fit to send me to church, then I will embrace it with open arms. Right now our bible study group is enough.
On the note of our bible study group… we have two couples having babies. Seems so weird to me to be starting this again. I remember about 20 years ago when our friends then where just having babies and now we are doing it again. I think it help us keep feeling young (here is hoping).
Our life is good…yes there is crap going on in our lives, but that is just a part of living in a world of sin. We will look beyond the crap and see the good in the other aspects of our lives.
Here is to heaven looking like a Disney theme park (my words of wisdom for the day LOL)